26 VPNs Service Showing Bad Logging Policies
There are 115 VPN service we have compared their logging policies.So we can find the best VPN for our privacy, and avoid some VPN with bad logging policy. As we know, HideMyAss makes it clear that they will keep some important data like IP address for 2 or 3 month. PureVPN has helpped police to catch internet criminals with logging. Some famous VPN providers has bad logging policy too, like Astrill , VyprVPN , Buffered and so on. The best VPN service should show friendly Logging policy . Here is a list about our VPN logging policies research. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQJEnznOLdYy5KaaCYWnO8qi355A2NMkzt0S3C52Tl2RtWP6XLtoQ5TPteWAtkw-1x9lvet-kB4UE7C/pubhtml From that list we can know that there are 26 VPN has bad policy, 26 VPN has Strict No Logging policy , 63 VPN show us that they will keep some thing not important. Of course we can still know that what is our important data,...